Summer is still kickin’ and my list from a couple weeks ago is still good for a few shows but I’ve found a couple more that are worth checking out.

Cedar and Boyer House Show

Our friends Justin and Jen Landis from Cedar and Boyer have been hosting some house shows at their place out in Sandpoint, ID. They have one coming up on August 24th with Mama Doll and folk artist, Anna and the Underbelly. Read more about the setting and the artists performing over on Cedar and Boyer’s site. And here’s a preview of Anna and the Underbelly.

Rose Windows at the Baby Bar

Rose Windows are all I hear about when I talk to Seattle friends about what new cool bands are coming out of the area. They are definitely riding the psychedelic rock throw back train but taking more of the Seattle/Fleet Foxes inspired approach with luscious melodies and three-part harmonies. They are playing at the Baby Bar on Tuesday, August 27th. Which could definitely be your last chance to see them in such a small setting as they just recently signed with Sub Pop.

Nude Pop also plays the Garland Block Party this Saturday (for FREE!) and some amazing bands are lined up for Pig Out in the Park this year. We’ll share our picks in a few weeks.