Rocky River Soap Co. is a local liquid castile soap maker that sells at a lot of farmer’s markets around the Spokane area. Kristin Violet has taken their branding on and I’ve been loving each step of the outcome. Kristin has interior design background and is about to go back to school for graphic design but I’ve featured her a bunch (here and here) because I’m super impressed with her hand drawn lettering abilities. She has a real knack for constructing well balanced compositions using type and she does it all by hand. Something not only difficult to master but also not taught in any area design program. Contact Kristin at bonjourkristin[at]gmail[dot]com if you want to hire out her amazing skills.

Rocky River Soap Co. Design

Rocky River Soap Co. Design

Rocky River Soap Co. Design

Rocky River Soap Co. Design

Rocky River Soap Co. Design

Rocky River Soap Co. Design

Rocky River Soap Co. Design

Don’t forget, if you have a branding project you’ve done or are currently working on, I would love to see it! Submit to

Also, our giveaway is still going! Check out the details here.