There is such a wide (and perhaps unending) variety of art and artists that it’s sometimes hard to keep track of who is doing what, and where. With the advancement into the digital world, art can be found in an innumerable amount of corners and crevices of the internet as well as within phone apps.

Social media platforms such as Instagram have proved themselves abundant with incredible hidden talent, and have also brought to the surface talent within artists that even they weren’t expecting to find. We could use Joe Greer for example.

Collect, Spokane, PNW, Joe Greer, Art, Photography

As a transplant from Florida, Joe has called Spokane home the past 3 years while he has attended Moody Bible Institute. Always using athletics as an outlet more than traditional forms of art, Joe decided to start taking his iPhoneography (iPhone photography) more seriously about a year ago, using his Instagram platform to do so. And like others, Joe found he had a knack for photography that was before unbeknownst to even himself. He isn’t a traditional photographer, he actually doesn’t even own any camera except the tiny one in his phone. But much like a great meal isn’t attributed to good pots and pans, same with a great photo. It’s all about who’s behind it.

Joe Greer, Spokane, Instagram, PNW, Collect, Collect Spokane





After taking his eerily perfect compositions, Joe brings the images into a few iPhone apps to edit and process digitally, before posting them for his network of 15k+ Instagram followers to see. It’s easy to see why he has so many followers. You wouldn’t think images this beautiful were as quick and easy, and yet they are oh so beautiful and brilliant.




Check out his Instagram or his VSCO Grid for more.